As we begin a year focused on what it means to extend the love of God that we've received to those around us, it is fitting that we seek to do so in terms of the story that God is telling. We, as humans, are storied people. We naturally organize the massive amounts of information coming at us, understand the vast history of our experiences, and give meaning to the machinations of the wider world by ordering them into the categories of story.
Our second week in the topic of story introduces the concept of characters. Most stories are told through the perspective of a main character, someone whose journey we can relate to in some meaningful way. Take a moment and think about some of your favorite characters in a given story. What is it about them that resonates with you?
But there's almost never just one character in a story. The main character needs others in order to grow, change, or experience meaningful conflict. We don't often stop to think about the crucial role those supporting characters play in the story, but how might our perspectives change if we did?
If we think about our own stories, we're often the main character. And it's worth thinking about who the supporting characters are in our story, those who serve as positive or negative influences in our lives. But if others are supporting characters in our stories, then we are also supporting characters in theirs. Are we a positive or negative influence in the lives of those around us?
Let's take a moment and make this practical. Who are three people in your life who have been significant in shaping your story thus far? Consider why those people are so important to you and whether they have been positively or negatively so. Then, consider who you are to them and their stories.
Lastly, how does re-imagining our lives in terms of story and character help bring new life to your Christian faith? God is telling a beautiful story and we are all invited to participate in it! May we each be an uplifting presence in the lives of someone else's story this week!