From the very beginning of our story, God has been drawing near to us. Out of love He created the world for us to live in, beauty for us to enjoy, creatures for us to marvel at, and finally us, that we might enjoy a mutual relationship of delight. When in the Garden of Eden, God sought us out to walk and talk with simply because He loved us.
Nearness to God is our intended state of being. It's what we were made for. But it's not where we often find ourselves these days. So much else keeps us from such intimate communion with the God who loves us.
So as we gather around these texts this week, let us consider what stands in the way of our drawing close to God, even as God draws near to us:
Genesis 3:8-15
Psalm 130
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
Mark 3:20-35
My prayer for us: Loving Yahweh, open our eyes that we might see You drawing near to us and may our vulnerability and nakedness keep us from drawing away from You, but give us the courage to receive the gift of Your clothing us in Christ. In the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Spirit, I pray. Amen.