Last week we heard that what God had done in Christ was so world altering that it was as if the creation story in Genesis was happening all over again. In Christ, a new creation was--and is--taking place.
But what does that mean? What happens once all things are made new? How does that matter for our daily lives?
Well, because we have experienced God's new creation through our baptism in Christ, because we can see what God is up to in the world through the life and death of Christ, we can now participate in the mission of God. We can join God in bringing reconciliation to the divided and disparate peoples of the world, first to God and then to one another.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Mark 4:35-41
Psalm 107:1-3. 23-32
Job 38:1-11
My prayer for us: God who makes all things new in Christ, make us new today and every day. And in our newness, may we speak and act and live in such a way that no matter where we are or what is going on in our lives, Your powerful reconciliation is evident in and through us. In the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Spirit, I pray. Amen.