May the God who sees you also hold you close to Him this week. And may we be a people who see others well as a simple, but foundational way of extending God's love to those around us.
All our readings from this week remind us that when God steps into our world and calls us to follow Him, there comes a radical shift in our values and in our life's orientation.
Jonah 3:1–5, 10
Psalm 62:5–12
1 Corinthians 7:29–31
Mark 1:14–20
My prayer for us: God who calls us to be with Him, may Your voice clearly resound in our ears, in our hearts, and in our minds this week as we respond to Your beckoning. May we find that the closer we are to You, the more full and fulfilling our lives truly are. In the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Spirit I pray. Amen.
I’m very grateful for Joshua & Kya, Thank you for growing us in The Christ Jesus/God/Holy Spirit at Kenai Fellowship. I loved the lesson that explains why we need The comforter, the Advocate or Paracletos. In John 15. This is where we are commanded to love one another. Thank you for all the new mysteries you bring out from our Bible Studies. Please pray for me to be victorious in being a great friend and follower of Jesus, and I pray I find it easy to love others and help others come to know The Christ. love Deanna