What kind of traveler are you? Are you the kind that likes to have every stop along the way thoroughly planned, timed, and marked on the map? Or are you the kind that likes to keep things open, spontaneously seeing where the road takes you?
There's a time for both plans and passion. And in following Jesus, a disciple needs to have both in measure. It takes a sense of adventure and risk to leave our way of life as we've known them and commit to going where Jesus will take us. At the same time, it takes some intentionality and forethought to count the cost, to be discerning, and to live according to the Spirit.
These are some of the ideas that Bob Goff touches on in this week's lesson. Maybe we find ourselves never leaving the security that our sense of control seems to offer us. If that's us, how can we dream bigger and trust God more? Maybe we are too quick to say "yes" to everything and anything, without first listening to what God has to say about the matter. If that's us, how might we practice a more prayerful approach to our actions?
But no matter where we find ourselves, the invitation that never changes is the one Jesus gives to his disciples and to us: Follow me. And as we follow Jesus, we are invited to be inefficient with our love, to be interruptible with our time, to be bold in our imagining the world around us as it is captivated by God's reign.
So let us practice following Jesus in bold new ways this week, with big dreams and discerning hearts. And may God do a new thing in us as we do!