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Extending Hospitality to Our Enemies

Joshua Gorenflo

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

[hospitality: the practice of welcoming strangers, visitors, or guests into our lives with kindness and generosity]

Theme: Extending hospitality to our enemies.

Challenge: Think of someone specific that you consider an “enemy” or with whom you disagree. Picture them like God sees them: as His beloved child. Withholding any value judgment concerning their speech or behaviors, pray God’s blessing for them. Pray that God would be present with them in the difficulties of their lives and that he would enrich their spirit with His love. Commit to doing this several times a week.

Daily Prayer: One way God creates a hospitable spirit within us is through prayer. Throughout the month of May, let us together bring before God these specific prayers for people who have done us wrong.

  • Sunday: Think of someone who has called you names. Search your heart to see if you have forgiven them, and if not, try to say out loud that you forgive them in Jesus’ name. Pray for a blessing on their day.

  • Monday: Using the words of Psalm 69, pray that God will protect you, and your loved ones from your enemies.

  • Tuesday: Speak a word of blessing over someone who has wronged you recently.

  • Wednesday: Remember that we all were considered enemies of God, and that only though Jesus’ sacrifice we are considered His children. Thank God for His grace, and mercy, and ask that He extends that to all in our community.

  • Thursday: The U.S. has many enemies. Pray for protection over our nation and over those who are in leadership and those who are abroad on her behalf.

  • Friday: Remember that God is our refuge. Visualize yourself in His hiding place, safe with Him and safe from enemies.

  • Saturday: Pray that you might show kindness to those that wrong you today, that you might love your enemies as Christ calls us to do.

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