[hospitality: the practice of welcoming strangers, visitors, or guests into our lives with kindness and generosity]
Theme: Extending hospitality to ourselves.
Challenge: We must also learn to receive God’s hospitality for ourselves. One way is to be gracious in our thinking toward ourselves. Think of one thing you like about yourself each day and thank God for creating you in this way.
Daily Prayer: God is at work creating a hospitable spirit within us through prayer. Throughout the month of December, let us together bring before God these specific prayers for ourselves.
Sunday: We are told in the Scriptures to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” Pray today that God would show us how to love ourselves well, so that we might extend that same Christ-like love to our neighbors.
Monday: There are many people who struggle with liking, accepting, celebrating, or loving themselves. Bring before God all who push back against the notion that they are a cherished and beautiful child of God.
Tuesday: Part of being hospitable people is learning to receive hospitality. Ask that God would grant you opportunities to receive the hospitality of others, that you may know others’ love and care for you.
Wednesday: In a month focused on giving, pray that God would fill you up with His Spirit of generosity that is rooted, not in command or obligation, but in how He has shown generosity to you.
Thursday: Too often we step past our own boundaries as we attempt to fulfill our daily obligations. Ask God to give you awareness to know your own limitations and the courage to not breach them.
Friday: Pray that God will give you patience toward yourself as you journey across the wild terrain of faith and life. Just as He is gracious toward all, pray that you can imitate His graciousness whenever you think about yourself.
Saturday: Ask that God would make you a hospitable place for the hurting, scared, and broken people in the world around you. Pray for His power as He brings healing to your heart, that He might heal others through you.