[hospitality: the practice of welcoming strangers, visitors, or guests into our lives with kindness and generosity]
Theme: Extending hospitality to our church family.
Challenge: Have lunch with someone in the church that you may not know very well or would like to get to know better. During your conversation, take turns answering these questions: (1) When have you felt most alive/involved/excited during your time at Kenai Fellowship? What made it so? (2) What values give life to our congregation? What is it that, if it did not exist, would make our church totally different than it is? (3) If you had three wishes for our church, what would they be?
Daily Prayer: One way God creates a hospitable spirit within us is through prayer. Throughout the month of March, let us together bring before God these specific prayers for our church family.
Sunday: While together in our Sunday gathering, find someone to pray with, being intentional about listening to what’s going on in their lives and praying God’s power and life into their situation.
Monday: Thank God for someone in our church you have known for a while. Give thanks for the ways they have blessed your life and ask God to fill their lives with His presence.
Tuesday: Pray that God’s Spirit and love would grow in the life of someone in our church whom you do not know very well. Implore God to cover them with His goodness, peace, and provision.
Wednesday: Pray God’s help in fulfilling the mission of our church: to extend His hospitable love to our community.
Thursday: Bless God for those who are not yet in our church, but whom He will and wants to bring into our midst.
Friday: Ask that God would protect, guide, and grow the children and youth in our church family.
Saturday: Send a card to someone who is sick, recovering, or hurting in our midst. Write a prayer for health and joy in it for them.