May we each walk in the Light, knowing that the judgment of God and the salvation of God have both come when He gave the world His Son. Let us embrace Jesus, our Light this week!
Like our texts from the past few weeks, we are following Jesus ever closer toward his cross, his burial, and his resurrection. As we listen in this week, we hear promises of the new covenant coming from our Old Testament text, while the Gospel reading reveals that our hope for that covenant fulfillment will come through dying to ourselves, loving Jesus more than our own lives, and imitating him in our lives of service.
In reading these Scriptures, what stands out to you? What is God speaking to your heart this week? How might that word be a benefit to others as well?
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33
Psalm 51:1-12
My prayer for us: Father, continue to glorify Your name in our lives, continue to thunder Your voice throughout the world and through Your Church, so that all may hear and draw near to You. Save us from the time of trial, or don't; only let Your name be proclaimed. Amen.