We were challenged by our text in Ephesians 2:11–22 to examine the barriers that exist in our lives which divide us from others. Maybe that primarily takes the form of those who are politically opposite from you. Maybe it's dealing with our racial prejudices. Maybe it's that we recognize some religious superiority in ourselves when it comes to interacting with those from other religions or other denominations.
No matter what form our divisions take, we have to reckon with the truth proclaimed to us in Ephesians that God is tearing down the dividing walls that exist in our world. I suppose the spotlight must turn to us next. Are we working against that mission of God, or, are we joining God in dismantling the hostilities that keep us from encountering God's presence in "the other"?
So I invite you to reflect on these questions, alone or together:
What dividing walls exist in our lives? What keeps us from crossing them to connect with those we'd find on the other side of the wall?
Is God still in the business of tearing down the walls that divide "us" from "them"? If so, where do we find ourselves within that mission?
How might our digital technologies help us connect with those who are different than us? How might they contribute to the divisiveness?
What's the difference between diversity and division? Between unity and uniformity?
How do you see Christ's death and resurrection creating a new way for diverse humanity to be one with God? With one another?
My prayer for us: God who tears down the barriers that divide us from You and from each other, give us the wisdom and courage to demolish the walls that keep us from one another, for when we fail to receive the other, we miss out on You. We pray in the name of Jesus and in the power of Your Spirit. Amen.